Tolmay Enterprises

Frequently asked Questions

This section is dedicated to answering those questions frequently asked of us by you the client.

What's included in the quoted hourly rate?

The hourly rate is the cost of the time for the consultant or asset will working on support or adhoc work. It does not include travel, accomodation or meals, this needs to be provided by the client or will be billed to client at competitive rates.

What rate is the travel billed at?

Vehicle travel is billed at the Automobile Association of South Africa(AA) Rate or equivalent rating authority of the country the travel will occur in. 

Flights are billed at the cost of the airline company that is used, please contact us for a list of preferred airlines.

What ​accommodation is used for ​consultants and assets?

Accommodation is of a 4 or 5 star rating or equivelent rating system. Weekends will require the consultant or asset to return home, this can be negotiated. If negotiated for asset to stay, then billing will be done at 1.5x hourly rate for Saturdays and 2x hourly rate on Sundays with both days being billed as an 8hr working day, if asset does not work. If asset works weekend, then billing will be done for hours worked exceeding the 8hrs, if asset works less then 8hrs then the 8hr rate will still be billed.

At what rate is project scoping billed at?

The scoping of a project is billed at a rate that will be negotiated between © Tolmay Enterprises and the client.

At what rate are large projects billed at?

For large projects the hourly rate will be negotiated by ©Tolmay Enterprises and the client. This will ensure that projects get delivered within budget.